Monday, 30 August 2010

Sugar Detox!

Just found this very interesting article about another way of detoxing!!   Thought I would share it with you because years ago I found that I could not enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with two spoonfuls of sugar in it so I cut down on the amount over a period of time.  Eventually I found that I had given up sugar altogether and I did not miss it at all... 

Sugar Detox

"Is a sugar detox just another diet fad? Does a sugar detox actually work? I am tempted to say that a sugar detox is a fad, but it is not. And yes, the sugar detox process works, if you know how to do it correctly. Here is a hint for you; going cold turkey does not usually work".

Anyway follow the link below and have a good read  of this  article and see if it works for you.....

Also check out this video. I think you will find it very useful.


Wednesday, 25 August 2010

The Weight Loss Nectar From Heaven!

This is just great for detoxing too.....  How easy is this - like a walk in the park

"(NaturalNews) If something sounds too good to be true, the old saying goes, it probably is. But here's an exception: scientists have documented that an all natural appetite-control agent with no side effects really does help people shed excess weight -- and what's more, it's practically free".

Read the complete article here:-

Clinical trial confirms simple no-diet appetite control method really works